Sunday, September 11, 2005

When your proud father is a columnist, everyone's going to read about you

Waid Prather, associate publisher of The Carthaginian (Carthage, Miss.), devoted part of his column to his family. His son had become overwhelmed while running an evacuation shelter. "Like any good Southern boy would, Micah called his momma. And like most good Southern women, his momma, my lady, reacted, and they spent the night at the shelter… Lots of folks served shifts at the shelter, and I can’t name them all, but those two, my two, made me proud, and every once in awhile I ought to be able to take this space, to let them know." Prather goes on to describe a humorous post-Katrina 911 call asking for someone to repair the caller's broken satellite TV. Prather: "That would be a 'No.'" His column is at the top right of the page.


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